Friday, October 2, 2015

Fruit Review 1: Ambarella (Video)

This is my first fruit review video. The ambarella is fruit of the the species Spondias dulcis. The fruit grows in Melanesia and Polynesia, and tastes like a tart mango with a hint of the earthiness of a carambola (i.e. starfruit) and a pineapple texture.

The point of this video is not only to let you know about the ambarella fruit, but also to show you that enjoyment comes from open-mindedness. As a living human being of the world, I believe that the ability to readily accept diverse cultural traditions is essential to happiness.

You only live for a certain amount of time. There are so many things in the world that could delight you, yet if you build a barrier between the exciting reality of the world and your ability to be pleased, you will find it very difficult to die. You would eventually regret your narrow-mindedness.

When I eat fruits that you may view as "strange", this is what I think of. I have promised myself that I shall submerge myself into the cultural melting pot of the world and enjoy a multitude of different fruits. I will have no regrets over what I have done; I shall only possibly regret what I have not done.

I hope that this inspires you to be open-minded and try new things. Over the course of writing this blog, I will try many new things that I will not regret. I will travel to places around the world, document my experiences, and share advice with you; I shall grasp the opportunities I have to become a more learned person. If you wait for too long, opportunities disappear. I shall discuss this later.

The point is rather simple. Do not be afraid to take action. It's more general than being open-minded, but it is worthy for me to mention this. When I started the ninth grade one year ago, I noticed that the Clark High School Cafeteria was extremely cold. Keeping the cafeteria cold was a waste of energy and a harmful factor to students' health. However, I never ran for Student Congress to fix this. I never even informed the Student Congress of this issue. That was me one year ago. I'm not the same person anymore, and I don't want you to be that person, either. Have a nice day and rest of your life.

Here is the video. Enjoy.


  1. cool i never heard of a Ambarella

  2. I'll be reviewing other fruits in the future if I can find some.

  3. By the way, Aaron, I also have a prickly pear, a kiwano, and some persimmons at home.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, Huzefa. Since I did not show anything on the thumbnail with which the ambarella could be compared in terms of size, it resembled a potato. I was going to hold it in my hand so you would know the size, but I've decided not to do that, as you can see the size of it in the video.
